Flight Secrets Airlines Don’t Want You to Know in 2024. Airlines Don’t Want to Tell You… But EVERY Flyer Should Know!
Flight Secrets Airlines Don’t Want You to Know in 2024. Airlines Don’t Want to Tell You… But EVERY Flyer Should Know!
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I sit over the wings love watching the flaps moving. Blankets disgusting not in bags so no thanks. Take sanitiser its a must i keep my seatbelt on,
The little hole in the window is not just for condensation. it's meant to first equalize the cabin pressure between the outer and inner pane of the windows. The outer pane is actually the real window and it's attached to the airplane, while the inner window is just a cover that is part of the wall and because there's insulation between the panes, then cabin pressure needs to be equalized, just like your ear drums need to. The last row seats, are indeed the most unconformable, and the safest because from there back, it's the strongest part of the entire airplane, all the way to the very tail, and that's by design. One thing is that cabir air in airplanes is very dry, this is also by design as any humidity would create condensation and get into places that could rust. Just have a moist towel and skin lotion.
Although there are more accidents on take off and on landing It is a disingenuous to say take offs and landings are "risk prone part of flying". Sky diving is risk prone, no part of modern commercial flying is risk prone.
I always take the last row. I am cheap, and I am on a water pill.
You Traveling “PROFESSIONALS” need to get together and decide what’s TRUE OR NOT!!!
my seat belt is always buccle when I am siting.
I like the back row. It's less chaotic since people aren't behind you and I like being near the bathroom.
for long flights buy seat covers!
Wow You are incredible intelligent and beautiful The information great .!!!
I'm 70 and since the 1960s I have always kept my seatbelt fastened for the entire flight, unless I get up to use the bathroom. Heard about that one a long time ago.
I am far from a seasoned traveler, so there isn't a lot of experience to draw from. On one connecting flight (perhaps it was Boston to Manchester) I ended up in the last row of seats. It was my most enjoyable inflight experience. Not because of the seat choice but because I happened to find myself in the company of some very interesting people whose pleasant company more than outweighed any discomfort associated with my seat location.
I have had seats on the last row but I always need to recline for comfort, so I won't do it again. If my hubby goes with me, they usually ask if we want the emergency exit seats as I'm a veteran and he's a big guy, easily able to open the door. Nicer was to get an upgrade.
May I ask your source on the seat location and survival rates in case of a crash? Thanks for the awesome video!
The most dangerous part of the trip is the drive to and from the airport. US domestic air travel is incredibly safe. And major airline international carriers are just slightly behind that. Car travel is orders of magnitude more dangerous.
06:22 You are also protecting yourself from the ire of the other pasengers that dont want to put up with your nasty feet. You are not making an onlyfans, we do NOT want to see your damn feet. And if they happen to be on the arms of my seat, expect toothpicks.
Sat in the back row one time and got free Mai Tais and some "extra" small bottles of vodka and tequila from the flight attendent.
We had umbrellas and everything.
We took pictures and had a blast.
I haven't flown in a long time, about 27 years. Much has changed. After watching some of your videos, I'm not even sure I ever want to fly again. Just too much to worry about.
Always have my seat belt buckled and Over a blanket if I try to sleep.
Going on our 14th extended atay in Thailand. Always take back rows. 73yr males go to restroom more often.😮 Also, on loooong flights – we can get up and quickly get snack. 😊
Direct flights do not equal non stop flights!
I always keep my seat belt on
I do .
Always take the last row,just me and the wife ,,
I always leave my seatbelt on. Once had to set in the very last row, middle seat, did not enjoy that flight. The smell coming from the lavatories was bad. I don't mind being towards the back just not the last few rows.🤢
I lauged about the missing life jacket. I actually check this on every flight!
I am confused, she just said the middle seat in the back row is the safest but then outright said she will never sit in the back row.
The few time an airplane actually crash, it does not matter where you sit, it is goodbye. But the front takes the first hit, so perhaps if you think of that kind of things, chose the back. And the life jacket. The only case I remember is the plane landing in the hudson river. i dont remember if everyone survived.
You make good videos but dont make this kind of "it is dangerous to fly" videos. And "they dont want us to know". Every ting is common knowledge. Just my opinion.
1. the bathrooms are never cleaned in flight. Use it before the plane takes off, before meals are served.
2. when the plane comes to a full stop, do not attempt to get up and retrieve your overhead luggage. Move to a window seat and raise an arm in anticipation of some moron grabbing a carry on from the overhead bin, swinging his arm and his luggage hitting your head. I have seen that happen. If you travel first class, sit at the back of the plane, get off first or last, your luggage will arrive at the carousel at the same time as everyone else's non carry on. If you really want to get off first, be the last one to board, there will be no overhead space for your carryon so it will be put with the crew's carry on at the front of the plane.
Seat cushions and life jackets under the seats are mentioned in every flight safety orientation at the beginning of the flight
I’ll take my spoiled chances in first class. 😁
Direct flights may have a stop during a trip. Non-stop flights have no stops between departure and arrival .
Thx very informative.