Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region received over 25 million tourist visits in the first 20 days of July this year.
Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region received over 25 million tourist visits in the first 20 days of July this year.
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Beautiful, but I’d be afraid of getting arrested for no reason.
Xinjiang is nature! Would love to visit.
fake news channeL
This looks like a beautiful place for me to call my future home!!
Thanks to the western MSM propaganda campaign they have put more exposure to the region.
imagine if Chinese decided that visiting Europe wasn't worth it anymore. Europe would be in trouble.
Westerners help promote Xinjiang Tourism with false rumors. Oh how boy backfire.
Poor sods. Forced to travel to Xinjiang as tourists to eat all those delicious food and fruits. Must be a terrible ordeal!
China's Xinjiang region a Uyhur mostly reside is Tourism Hotspot .
Xinjiang region is Tourism Hotspot mean there is Splendidly lives with Beautiful landscape for Sightseeing 💝👍.
Taklamakan Desert region is also located in northwest region Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous region Famous for Shifting Sand Dune and Oasis another Sightseeing region .
Gobi Desert Oasis and musical desert Shouldn't miss in Lifetime something memorial life experience will be Pleasant event to remember Tour Sightseeing and live adventurism is Memorial events makes Worth to remember as Episode .
Chinese helped China economies that is good.
Asia Beautiful. 🌷
Majestic 💐🕊💐
It's wonderful that those tourist/holiday dollars r spent in China
This is why I have said many times before why do you Chinese still need to travel overseas for holidays? You have enough beautiful places. Why travel overseas at your own risk and get abused by racist people? Spend your money at home.
I wish I could too, my Taiwanese friend and I we’re looking forward to going there as our first leg of our trip. Greetings from Hong Kong China 🇨🇳