Top travel tips for flying in 2024. Flight preparation and what to do at the airport and on the airplane when flying in 2024.
Top travel tips for flying in 2024. Flight preparation and what to do at the airport and on the airplane when flying in 2024.
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I carry several camera plus extra battery's for international travel any suggestions
Who’s still here for 2025🎉
Carry on only
Carry on only
Carrion only
Christmas flights international will be going quick how everyone miss carnival Tobago festivities wonder what will happen for jazz festival 2025 and film festivals all over the world.
Once again, useful information. BTW, that is a cute outfit you are wearing. It’s perfect for you.
Good info.
Obviously, if our first stop is boarding a river cruise, just the cruise line and ship's name should suffice.
Carry on only but this time flying first class as I have a back injury and sitting up anywhere for that long will not allow me any comfort. I know the expense is outrageous but my health takes priority.
This 304 talks funny 🤣
we notice that, when we fly to egypt and we need to buy the food on the airplan, which it was for free befor 25 years xD lol
These are nice tips! Thank you
I booked my tickets from qatar airways website but the plane is from Finnair. Will I be free to choose seat or its paid?
Or can i check on qatar airways website or Finniar?
Women beware: before traveling know this law that could trap you abroad. This happens all the time yet I've never met a mother who knew what the Hague law was before it destroyed her life. We are told if our partner is abusive then leave him. Nobody thinks that means you will lose custody of your children who will be given to your abuser possibly without even an assessment of the best interest of the children.
Carryon only
Why does this say 2024 but it's from a year agao. Smh
Carry-On Only to Ireland from NJ
Carry on only, I never check a bag
Are all airlines created equal when it comes to flying from San Francisco to Barcelona?
Carry on only, first time going international since I was 17 and my biggest fear when flying is losing my luggage… not risking it for my first time out of the states 😭
Carry-on or stow below? The eternal travel conundrum. At Sabrina's Ventures, we empathize with the dilemma. Maybe one day we'll be beamed up like Scotty, no lugging around bags at all lol. Share your thoughts in the comments below. #TravelDecisions #SabrinasVentures"
Flew Los Angeles to Beijing in 2011. THANKFULLY the airline agent at check-in warned us that this Chinese airline serves very authentic Chinese food.
Loaded up on snacks at the gift shop. I have low standards and it still was difficult for me to stomach…was some stinky seaweed dish that made the entire
cabin of the airplane wreak. (My 5-year old daughter asked out loud, "WHO POO POOED?!" …yes….was very embarrassing….)
HOWEVER, the flight from Beijing to L.A. two weeks later was on a different Chinese airline. BEST airline meal I ever had!
Was a steamed shrimp and rice dish that was fabulous! My mouth still waters thinking about that meal….
Carry-on only to Ecuador in a month!!
what a great video! another tip – I also land up saving up on unnecessary expenses like atm fees etc abroad – using apps like ATM Fee Saver – it helps find atms with no fees or lower fees than others along with withdrawal limits etc. worth adding to your list of tricks!
I'm doing a personal item only for 2½ weeks down south, flying internationally. I don't like worrying about there being no overhead bin space so I just bring one backpack.
I'm doing a personal item only for 2½ weeks down south, flying internationally. I don't like worrying about there being no overhead bin space so I just bring one backpack.