algeria #topplacesinalgeria #algeria_news Top 14 Best Places To Visit in Algeria | Top Tourist Destinations [Best Tourist …
algeria #topplacesinalgeria #algeria_news Top 14 Best Places To Visit in Algeria | Top Tourist Destinations [Best Tourist …
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😉😉Are You Looking for the Second Part of this video highlighting some of the awesome places in Algeria?? Guys Do Reply to the comment so that I can make another video on Algeria. 👌👌
Welcome all to my country Algeria especially my friends here in the Uk 🇬🇧 you will never forget what you about to see
I can never ever encourage anybody to come to this country mostly if you are black
My triplets girls
Welcome to Algeria ❤🇩🇿
Bienvenue en Algérie 🇩🇿 magnifique pays continent et un peuple généreux 🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿
Sorry but is the largest country and Not 1 of the largest in Africa☝️
Thank you the advertisement Sir
Timgad is in Batna
Very disrespectful thumbnail. Like there were anything else to put ..??
😊merci pour cette magnifique vidéo machahallah
I fall in love with a Algerian boy I'm from Bangladesh and he want to marry me. I love this country now hope we'll get married and one-day living together in Algeria 😊
Algeria is not one of the largest countries in Africa, it is the largest. The Sudan used to be the biggest but on account of the division, Algeria "took over"
تحيا الجزائر 🇩🇿
سوق أهراس فيها البحر و الجنبري مكانش علابالي ، راه غي يخلط
مرحباً في الجزائر ❤️
Just like 14 best places to visit in North Korea 😂
Souk Ahras is very far from Algiers ( not 3 hours) & no beaches.
Close to Tunisa.
Well done job about this beautiful country❤
Algeria is doing well and we are proud of it. Constantine, the city of suspension bridges, the beauty and majesty of the Emir Abdelkader University, the Sharia mountains, Takjda, a paradise on earth, and Jijel is wonderful. Ziamat Al-Mansuriya is the most beautiful and amazing cave in the world, etc.
Algeria IS a Big contry in Africa.
Oh my God, why did you choose these pictures? Algeria is a thousand times more beautiful than these pictures. Why do you put pictures of an old nature as if you were seeing them in Algeria? Sorry, but your content is weak because you do not know anything about the beauty of Algeria and its beautiful nature.
Welcome to Algeria
From Algeria, thank you for this documentary
C'est quand même malheureux d'avoir des commentaires écrits en anglais et des commentaires écrits en arabe imaginez ce qui ne savait lire l'anglais ni le français comment peut-on faire pour participer à des commentaires alors s'il vous plaît je suis française je ne comprends pas l'arabe et j'aimerais quand même comprendre et savoir lire les commentaires qu'il y a sur à propos de cette vidéo merci
Algeria is a terrorist country.
Algeria is a dangerous country to visit there is a terrorist in Algeria.
Thé most beautiful,country and.the best people
J y était rien à voir évitez
Walcom dé Algérie
إن دخلت السياحه الجزائر غر قول بي بي لديننا الحنيف …بلادنا كيما درولها ماقدروش يطيحوها ولكن بالسياحه تم تم طيح الله يجعل خير ان شاء الله اللي راه ناوي لبلادنا الشر ان شاء الله ربي يجمدلو دمه في عرقو السياحه + الخمر +الزينا + المخدرات + =( الفساد أخلاقي )
Very bad country î prefeer morocco
Hi you forget Oran second important city the photo exist in video but not it’s name?why?
Hi you forget Oran second important city the photo exist in video but not it’s name?why?
Very thanks for this vidéo … Welcom to algeria
خلوطة بكرعين الكلاب 🥴🤣🤣🤣
Welcome for Algeria…the greatest country in Africa…four season in one day..
The city you monsioned as Algeries is Oran,it's just to correct you.thank you .