If you’re wondering where to travel in 2022, WATCH this video! Whether you are a backpacker or looking for a luxurious stay, I’m …
If you’re wondering where to travel in 2022, WATCH this video! Whether you are a backpacker or looking for a luxurious stay, I’m …
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You guys are so cute! Love your videos! Thanks for sharing
I just saw and loved your contribution to the "Lets Get To the Point " pod cast yesterday june 28 2024. We usually stay for 5-6 days in every destination, and like to stay at AirBnB's to get the "local fee" and save money on food. You briefly mentioned that your Wife also loves AirBnB's and has written some content. Where can I found that. I reached out to LGTTP, but they directed me to your website, that led me to your you tube Channel, and I still can't find the content from your Wife. Can you please send me a link to that. I am excited to be a new follower of yours.
Are these places safe to travel to?
Egypt aint cheap and they are racist
It has always been a dream of mine to visit Colombia .. do you reccomend going with small children ? if so, were in Colombia?
Best recipe ever !!
Awesome video man! Sorry for being late to watch it. Please come to Kenya ❤
Try Guyana for something different , not nice beaches like the Caribbean. But black fresh water beaches , people speak English only
Awesome picks!
Thanks for the info
Wow! You’ve been a lot of places. Thanks for sharing!
Do you have any tips on travelling the many places in the Caribbean ? I guess there must be done reasonable cruise boats/ferry that stop at some places. May be more economical than flying but I don't like idea of short stops at all !! 🌞🌞
You took amazing footage of yourself in these beautiful places.
My brother, when you bought those intra-country flights in Colombia, how much time in advance did you need in order to book them for $30? Did you arrive and depart from the same city? I'm trying to go to Colombia soon but have been struggling with planning the travel inside the country.
🌺💙Happy to see that you are still sharing all these interesting sites to explore in countries that make it affordable to experience history🌹
Great Video..Very insightful
Guadeloupe is NOT cheap 🤣🤣🤣🤣🫡😭 it was cheap because you didn’t fully explore the full depths of the island and you did not stay there for a long period of time.
Another helpful travel video! Looking forward to many more!
I paused as soon as I clicked cause I didn’t want to add a view but I did want to say that this topic didn’t need to be 18 minutes long.
Great info.
Love how he mentioned my country first haha I'm from Cali, beautiful place to go where your money triples.
enjoyed this video!
Visit Jamaica
I just subbed. Your channel is incredible.
When is the worst time to go in terms of weather. And how do you avoid theft and crime in Columbia?
Hello, have you been to the Vodoun Festival in Benin Jan 1-14th? Do you have any tips for lodging? I've been pricing it & so far…$21,000!!!!!!!!!!!!
In the year before and the year after Covid, I traveled to Vietnam, Scotland, Ireland, Appalachia, Spain, Portugal, and Morocco. I liked Morocco because it was so a different experience, but I absolutely fell in love with Portugal, and am planning to go back for a month on my own. Vietnam was my absolute favorite, I traveled from Saigon to Hanoi, and loved every part of it, from Hue
to staying overnight on a boat in Halong Bay, and my favorite, Hoi An. I went as someone fit but "seasoned" lol and you can't miss these in your lifetime. Just go!
Just came back from Egypt and got to see all of those landmarks! Breathtaking truly . Also New York vendors are mild compared to those sellers in Egypt 😂
Love your energy and curiosity 😉
I love Colombia so much!
Great job Chew
Right on brother it looks like you know how to have a good time!
Thank you awesome info and places to travel
Love these drone shots!! I want to go.. but being a vegetarian on tour is scary lol
Appreciate the video bro, gives me lots of ideas on where to take my family. Keep traveling and enjoying life.
🎉💯🔑 thank you 🫶🏿
Hey, bro! I work in the Arts and don’t have a ton of money, but I love to travel. Especially when it’s an authentic, local experience as you described. You have me so stoked for Guatemala, Vietnam, and the other places you mentioned. You’re so personable on camera and don’t have that sense of privilege that a lot of travel bloggers have. Thanks so much for your quality content. Glad to subscribe!
Guadeloupe agree very nice spot man
Gotta be all jabbed up to go anywhere and wear masks for long flights. No thanks
I’m an avid traveller also but, I’ll wait for things to change.
Great content bro, you got me thinking now 👏🏿
Great video brotha, stay woke! I also have a lot of experience visiting and living in Colombia and a few other destinations, but just recently started posting about it. I too recommend that others get out and see the world as well. There's a lot of rich experiences out there that can broaden your outlook and maybe even change the entire trajectory of your life.
Love your videos. Your videos have become my lunchtime meal watches at work. Keep these videos coming! 🙂
Those places are not cheap.
Hi did you buy your in country flights once you were in the country?
This video is so informative! Thanks for sharing this! That volcano shot with you and the Bros is epic!!! 🥰❤️💛💚
How do you have phone service?
Awesome list ! #VeryCreative