Welcome to our channel! In today’s video, we embark on an incredible journey through the wonders of the Netherlands.
Welcome to our channel! In today’s video, we embark on an incredible journey through the wonders of the Netherlands.
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I really appreciate your efforts! Could you help me with something unrelated: I have a okx with USDT, and I have the 12word phrases: ( proof inner hobby bounce blouse able donate virtual luggage cart morning ticket). What's the way to send them to Binance?
I went to the Netherlands in 2023 and saw a lot of the country, but after watching your video, I realise I need to go back and see even more! Thank you for the information, I now have a new bucket list!
Now ruined by mass tourism. So fuck shit like this!
The Netherlands is such a dream! This video beautifully captures its charm. Amazing work! ❤
Question, Please! Where did you get the beautiful video footage for this? 😍
Your pronunciation of Dutch places is dreadful
You only show the places in northern of our country. We also have very beautiful places in the south like Breda, Den Bosch, Maastricht and our Deltaworks in Zeeland and many many more
Citizens from three countries – Poland, the Czech Republic, and Switzerland – will no longer need entry visas when traveling to Vietnam. The country is home to stunning landscapes that you can discover on my YouTube channel 😍 https://www.youtube.com/@mylainternational/featured.
It’s a pity that the south of the Netherlands is not shown.The city of Maastricht is one off the oldest off the country.And with its southern charm and relaxed atmosphere worth visiting.
excellent video. Make video about Pakistan and beautiful capital Islamabad.
I can't believe people in the Netherlands like cycling so much, what a wonderful country!
What about the cost of living there.??
Not 1 piece of trash in sight. Not 1 overweight person in sight. ……That's when you know a country is doing something right.
Fascinating! There are so many places in which I'd enjoy spending time to soak up their individual cultures. Somehow it seems every person should have opportunity to travel to as many countries as they wish, to experience all this earth has to offer. Thanks so much for this upload. ✌️🤍👏🕯🙏
Wow nice looking trying to visit this place ❤❤❤
No Fountains – Mountains – No Natural Environment – No Sunlight – No Fresh Air – Chemtrails Polluting the Skies – Netherlands is the Ugliest place.. Dirty and Filthy
I really hope that one day I can visit Nederland
AI slop, comments are full of LLM bots. We truly live in the end times
Keren sekali tempat nya
Lovely film and beautiful photography. I only wish the narrator had taken more care with the pronunciation of the Dutch names. It's not that difficult to Google them and find out what they sound like. Also, at 13:30 – Delft – this is the city hall, not the nieuwe kerk.